“We come from darkness and end in darkness. All the colors exist in between”
By definition, abstract artworks are the ones where the main color theme is black (or a very dark tone of grey). Some people might think black abstract paintings are dark or ominous. The “darkness” or “blackness” of the painting may also convey actual darkness or the night time. Black is associated with power, fear, mystery, strength, elegance, formality, death, evil, aggression, authority, rebellion, and sophistication. Black is required for all other colors to have depth and variation of hue.
“Darkness is in the end, darkness is in the beginning;
Black is the absence of light and it is the source of it;
It is the negative but also the birth of positive;
It is fear and it makes your fearless
It is the black that makes the light white”
1. ‘Tribute’ (62x62 cm canvas) is about paying tribute to the recent ‘George Floyd’ incident

Interior credit: https://tibergsmobler.se/soffor/dagbadd/norm-dagbadd-tyg
Buy Art: https://www.artmajeur.com/en/atignasart/artworks/13355414/every-life-matters
2. ‘Void’ (182x92 cm canvas) was inspired by the quote, “Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear the path”

Interior credit: https://in.pinterest.com/pin/171981279509745766/
Buy: https://www.artmajeur.com/en/atignasart/artworks/12207989/void
3. ‘About Last night’ (92x62 cm on canvas) - The reason I named it 'About last night', because last night was all about it. It took me around 8 hrs to complete this. But sometimes you get in the flow to complete it in one sitting and your soul is so hungry, that you can't leave it in between.

Interior credit: https://www.wallpictureapp.com/
Buy: https://www.artmajeur.com/en/atignasart/artworks/11933465/about-last-night
4. ‘Together’ (120 x 165 cm canvas) Together,is about two people looking in the same direction. It gives me a feeling of being together, even in tough times, no matter what the situation.

Interior credit: https://www.instagram.com/art.my.wall/
Buy: https://www.artmajeur.com/en/atignasart/artworks/13021988/untitled-black-abstract
5. Break Free (100x182 cm on canvas) Freedom is not to be free of doing anything, it is to be free from fear of any compulsion, doubt or expectation.

Buy: https://www.artmajeur.com/en/atignasart/artworks/12294011/break-free
6. Fear (92x182 cm canvas) "In a dark time, the eyes begin to see"

Interior credit: https://pin.it/3ajBkFD
Buy: https://www.artmajeur.com/en/atignasart/artworks/12398255/fear
7. Dark Light (92x92 cm on canvas) - Reflection became the facet of the dark, than the trait of the light

Interior credit: https://www.wallpictureapp.com/
8. Noise (16x18 cm on canvas) Noise is when there is no meaning left in words.

Interior credit: https://www.wallpictureapp.com/
9. Blurred Lines (16x18 cm on canvas) - The more we know, the less we know"

Interior credit: https://www.wallpictureapp.com/
Buy: https://www.artmajeur.com/en/atignasart/artworks/11939867/blurred-lines
10. Circle of Life (16x18 cm on canvas) - Black artwork also invokes a simple, clean, intelligent vibe and could really inspire anyone who lays eyes on it.

Interior credit: https://www.wallpictureapp.com/
Buy: https://www.artmajeur.com/en/atignasart/artworks/13362281/circle-of-life